Monday, September 23, 2013

Test Item Part 2

Statistics for Adult Medical Surgical Nursing Quiz

Eight individuals took this quiz, and out of the eight quiz takers, all persons passed. The quiz was taken a total of nine times, as one person took the test twice, scoring 100% both times. The average score for the quiz was 94%. The average time spent taking the quiz was two minutes and twenty one seconds. Five of the quiz takers scored 100% on the quiz, two people scored 86% and one person scored 71%. All questions in this quiz were weighted equally for scoring purposes.
Question Revisions

The three questions that need to be looked at specifically in this analysis are numbers 3, 6, and 7. Number 3 was chosen because it makes the student read the question, analyze, and critically think to apply the answer. In order to critically think through this question, the student must be able to understand the rationale between anticoagulation, a possible hemorrhage, and the fact that taking aspirin and a nap instead of seeking medical attention immediately would be contraindicated. The question is reverse application because it forces the student to read the question which actually asks the student to pick the incorrect response from the patient.   The current format of the NCLEX-RN examination included alternative format questions, and critical thinking questions that force the student to apply critical thinking skills in order to answer the question (Herrman and Johnson, 2009). The stem of this question could be modified to ask the question in a clearer manner with less opportunity for confusion. Maybe presenting a scenario as I did in the first two questions might help the students put the question into perspective.

You are a medical surgical nurse who is discharging a patient who is newly prescribed Coumadin for a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation. Which statement made by the patient after receiving their discharge teaching would alert you that the discharge teaching has not been effective, and further teaching with this client is necessary?

A.      “If I notice that I have a bruise that is three inches or bigger and continually gets larger, I will seek immediate medical help.”

B.      “I will eat green leafy vegetables in moderation, as they are healthy, but can increase the thickness of my blood, potentially causing a clot.”

C.      “I will keep all scheduled appointments for blood work because it is important to monitor my PT/ INR levels to ensure that my Coumadin dose is therapeutic.”

D.      “If I get a severe headache, worse than any other headache I have ever had in my life, I will take two aspirin, and take a nap, as that should help.”

Number 6 addresses the basic principles of nursing and medication administration, and is based on the five rights of medication administration. I do not think that just because two people answered this question incorrectly that it should be removed or changed, it is clearly asking which of the orders that is listed is complete.

Question number 7 is an application question that asks the student to identify a critical potassium level. Three of the options given are within normal limits. This question should not be changed either, because it addresses laboratory blood values, which are important for the nurse to be able to identify.

The following questions were included in the initial quiz, and the percentage answered correctly for each.

You are the RN charge nurse on the medical surgical unit, and you are in charge of delegating assignments for the shift. Which of the following would be the most appropriate to delegate to the LPN/LVN? 100% of quiz takers answered this question correctly

A.      A 25 year old patient who requires IV antibiotic therapy, and needs a PICC line dressing change before administering the antibiotic.

B.      A 72 year old patient who requires Lasix 20mg IV push

C.      A 50 year old patient who is 3 days post op and requires a simple dressing change

D.      A 45 year old patient who is a newly diagnosed diabetic and requires discharge teaching


You are caring for a patient who is newly diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure CHF. Which statement by the patient would indicate that your patient teaching has been a success? 100% of quiz takers answered this question correctly

A.      I will watch my salt intake and ensure that I do not exceed 4g or 4000mg per day in my diet

B.      I will conduct a daily weight, keep a log of my daily weight, and report to my doctor immediately any weight gain of 3 or more pounds in one day

C.      If I feel that I am urinating too frequently, I will not take my diuretic for a few days to help with the frequency of urination, after all, I don’t want to fall getting out of bed so much at night

D.      I will just smoke one half pack of cigarettes per day, as this is healthier than one pack.

Which statement by the client receiving anticoagulation therapy with Coumadin would indicate a need for further teaching? 88% of quiz takers answered this question correctly

E.       If I notice that I have a bruise that is three inches or bigger and continually gets larger, I will seek immediate medical help.

F.       I will eat green leafy vegetables in moderation, as they are healthy, but can increase the thickness of my blood, potentially causing a clot.

G.     I will keep all scheduled appointments for blood work because it is important to monitor my PT/ INR levels to ensure that my Coumadin dose is therapeutic

H.      If I get a severe headache, worse than any other headache I have ever had in my life, I will take two aspirin, and take a nap, as that should help

Which of the following foods should a patient receiving Coumadin therapy be instructed to eat in moderation? 100% of quiz takers answered this question correctly

A.      Spinach and other green leafy vegetables

B.      Corn

C.      Brown Rice

D.      Lean Chicken Breast


A client receiving Lopressor 50mg IV should most importantly have which vital signs checked prior to administration? 100% of quiz takers answered this question correctly

A.      Temperature

B.      Respirations

C.      Blood pressure and heart rate    

D.      Pain

Which of the following orders is complete, not requiring nurse clarification? 75% of quiz takers answered this question correctly

A.      Tylenol 650mg PO q4hours PRN for mild pain

B.      Ativan 1mg PO PRN

C.      Ibuprofen 400mg q6hours PRN for moderate pain

D.      Haldol 2mg IM q6hours PRN

Which of the following laboratory values is considered critical? 88% of quiz takers answered this question correctly

A.      Potassium 4.2 mEq/L

B.      Potassium 2.8 mEq/L

C.      Potassium 3.7 mEq/L

D.       Potassium 4.9 mEq/L



Herrman, J., & Johnson, A. (2009). From beta-blockers to boot camp: preparing students for the NCLEX-RN. Nursing Education Perspectives, 30(6), 384-388.



Monday, September 16, 2013

Unit 4 Test Questions

You are the RN charge nurse on the medical surgical unit, and you are in charge of delegating assignments for the shift. Which of the following would be the most appropriate to delegate to the LPN/LVN?

A.      A 25 year old patient who requires IV antibiotic therapy, and needs a PICC line dressing change before administering the antibiotic.

B.      A 72 year old patient who requires Lasix 20mg IV push

C.      A 50 year old patient who is 3 days post op and requires a simple dressing change

D.      A 45 year old patient who is a newly diagnosed diabetic and requires discharge teaching


You are caring for a patient who is newly diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure CHF. Which statement by the patient would indicate that your patient teaching has been a success?

A.      I will watch my salt intake and ensure that I do not exceed 4g or 4000mg per day in my diet

B.      I will conduct a daily weight, keep a log of my daily weight, and report to my doctor immediately any weight gain of 3 or more pounds in one day

C.      If I feel that I am urinating too frequently, I will not take my diuretic for a few days to help with the frequency of urination, after all, I don’t want to fall getting out of bed so much at night

D.      I will just smoke one half pack of cigarettes per day, as this is healthier than one pack.

Which statement by the client receiving anticoagulation therapy with Coumadin would indicate a need for further teaching?

A.      If I notice that I have a bruise that is three inches or bigger and continually gets larger, I will seek immediate medical help.

B.      I will eat green leafy vegetables in moderation, as they are healthy, but can increase the thickness of my blood, potentially causing a clot.

C.      I will keep all scheduled appointments for blood work because it is important to monitor my PT/ INR levels to ensure that my Coumadin dose is therapeutic

D.      If I get a severe headache, worse than any other headache I have ever had in my life, I will take two aspirin, and take a nap, as that should help

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Part 2


One of the issues that plague all nursing educators is the question as to whether or not their nursing graduates will have the knowledge and skills to pass the NCLEX-RN exam post-graduation from their nursing program of study. By providing both formative and summative evaluation to the nursing students, nursing educators are providing the groundwork for evaluation that is productive and allows for student learning. By providing adequate and timely feedback to students, educators are providing students with the knowledge that they need to succeed in their post-graduation examination to determine licensure. The summative evaluation is completed after the course has completed and allows the instructor as the students to summarize and fully evaluate the course and the student learning based on the course learning objectives that had been set forth (McDonald, 2014). Formative evaluation can be done in a variety of ways, but is primarily done in the “here and now” format, so it is done in real time and can be used to evaluate and correct a situation before the class has ended (Kenny, Van Neste-Kenny, Park, Burton, and Meiers, 2009). With the example of the medical surgical course, it would be the feedback provided in the clinical session, or the immediately feedback after the lecture discussion. The summative evaluation would be conducted at the end of the course or educational session, and would be used to provide the student with feedback of their performance overall(Massey, Lee, Young, and Holmerud, 2013).  By combining the two types of feedback, the students should have had a sound background both in clinical and lecture to be able to take the NCLEX-RN examination with the necessary knowledge to pass the examination.



Kenny, R. F., Van Neste-Kenny, J. C., Park, C. L., Burton, P. A., & Meiers, J. (2009). Mobile learning in nursing practice education: applying Koole's FRAME model. Journal of Distance Education, 23(3), 75-96.

Massey, S. L., Lee, L., Young, S., & Holmerud, D. (2013). The relationship between formative and summative examination and PANCE results: A multi-program study. Journal of Physician Assistant Education, 24(1), 24-34.

McDonald, M. E. (2014). The nurse educator’s guide to assessing learning outcomes. (3rd Ed.). Brooklyn, NY: Jones and Bartlett.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Evaluation Strategy MN 511 Week 2

After reviewing the National League for nursing document regarding the competencies for nurse educators, specifically reviewing competency number three, I think that providing timely, constructive, and thoughtful feedback to learners is so very important (National League for Nursing, 2005).  I would like to improve upon this particular competency in this course, because I know that as a clinical educator on my unit and in my travels to other units, that I do not necessarily always provide timely and constructive feedback to my students or learners. One of the responsibilities of my job is to provide clinical education to psychiatric nurses about suicide assessment and reassessment, treatment planning, falls reduction, therapeutic communication, and other aspects of nursing that re relative to psychiatric nursing. I think that as an educator with a short timeframe to do my education, I tend to focus on what is not being done correctly, instead of providing feedback and reinforcement as to what is being done correctly. I think that being able to provide timely, constructive, and thoughtful feedback will greatly benefit my career at present, and will benefit my future career as a nurse educator. Nursing educators and their involvement in the entire educational process is critical for the future of the nursing profession (Albutt, Ali, and Watson, 2013). The student evaluation in the clinical setting on a medical surgical unit for example would be completed using a core competency grid, and would be reviewed with the student. Also, having the student perform a self-evaluation using the same rubric and then comparing would enable for a positive teaching and learning environment for feedback to be provided.

Objective: Provide constructive feedback to student nurses on their performance in the clinical setting in order to facilitate growth and allow for a collaborative learning environment with the student.



Albutt, G., Ali, P., & Watson, R. (2013). Preparing nurses to work in primary care: educators' perspectives. Nursing Standard, 27(36), 41-46.

National League for Nursing (2002). Core competencies of nurse educations with task statements. Retrieved September 2, 2013 from